Tea with Terrorists

A roller-coaster ride of dark comedy and delicious storytelling 

Sharing stories from a life that straddles two very different cultures; arguing with mullahs; being an atheist in a religious, liberal family; planning the perfect murder; wandering outside the green zone in war torn Kabul; being stalked by a sheep in Coniston; and having tea with some terrorists in Kashmir.   

Journey with Sameena to find out why fear is redundant, joy is essential, and terrorists can be a real hoot.  

Sameena Zehra is an award winning performer, writer, director and blues singer/songwriter. Before moving to Aotearoa, Sameena lived in the UK where she has performed at the National Theatre, and toured internationally with the Royal Shakespeare Company.   

A relaxed performance of the show is available for anyone who would benefit from a comfortable environment Designed to welcome Neurodiverse people those with sensory and communication needs, and audiences with learning disabilities. It's the same show, except we leave the house lights up a fraction and a bit of moving about and noise from the audience is cool! Bookings are essential. 

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Sat 8 Jun, 4:00 PM
Sat 8 Jun, 7:30 PM
4th Wall Theatre (Relaxed performance)
4th Wall Theatre
75 minutes
4pm - $20 (General Admission)
7.30pm - $40
Admission service fees apply
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  • Comedy