Prima Facie

Something has to change.  

Tessa is a criminal defence lawyer at the top of her game and loving it: defending, cross-examining and playing the rules of the law to win.  

But when the tables turn, she finds herself at the mercy of the very system she has dedicated her life to. Shadows of doubt are illuminated, making us question, who is our legal system serving? 

Turning our courts of law into a different kind of stage, this sharp, witty and gripping one-woman show has sold out throughout Australia, the West End and on Broadway. 

Written by Suzie Miller, direct from Circa Theatre, this phenomenal production stars Mel Dodge and continues an urgent conversation for Aotearoa. 

Prima Facie was first produced by Griffin Theatre Company in May 2019 at the SBW Stables Theatre. The first season of this production was part of Wellington’s Circa Theatre programme 2023.

Lawyers! Earn CPD Points:
Attend the performance and Q&A session and receive a certificate of attendance, qualifying you for 2 CPD points.


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Review quotes:  

 “Prima Facie is possibly the most thought-provoking and electrifying theatre work I have seen in recent years.” 
Sarah Catherall | Stuff  


“We dream that theatre can change the world. Prima Facie is doing just that.” 

John Smythe | Theatreview  


“Go and see this play. Go and see this play. Go and see this play…” 
Simon Sweetman 


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< Back to all shows
Fri 7 Jun, 7:00 PM
TSB Theatre, TSB Showplace
100 minutes + 20 minute (optional) Q&A session
Premium Adult $59
A Reserve Adult $49
B Reserve Adult $39

Admission service fees apply
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  • Theatre